Boom Bap Focus. Hip Hop Beats for Lease and Sale.
You are finally here!
This is the place where you can get REAL 90’s hip hop beats for your next project.
Recording a whole album? With our hip hop instrumentals for lease and sale you finally got enough to choose from!
Jazzy boom bap or NAS type of beat? We got them all!
You can listen to our boom bap beats on our player below. Once you find the beat you love add it to the basket and quickly pay via paypal. Stress free.
- Untagged MP3 & WAV
- UNLIMITED Projects
- UNLIMITED Sales (CDs | LPs | iTunes, etc.)
- 100% Royalty-Free
- Monetized Shows UNLIMITED Shows
- Monetized Videos UNLIMITED Videos
- TV-/Radio-Airplay: UNLIMITED Airplay
- Paid Streams: UNLIMITED profit Streams
- Untagged MP3 & WAV
- UNLIMITED Projects
- UNLIMITED Sales (CDs | LPs | iTunes, etc.)
- 100% Royalty-Free
- Monetized Shows UNLIMITED Shows
- Monetized Videos UNLIMITED Videos
- TV-/Radio-Airplay: UNLIMITED Airplay
- Paid Streams: UNLIMITED profit Streams
How to order your beats
Select your beat
Click + ADD next to the beat(s) you wish to order and select the license you require
Click Buy Now
When you are ready to order, click Buy Now in the top right to redirect to make payment.
After payment, you will receive the download links to your beats to your PayPal email address (please check your junk mail)
How much are the hip hop beats?
How much are hip hop beats? Our beat leases cost only $35 per beat and include untagged mastered and unmastered beats in .wav & mp3
How often can I use the beat?
After buying our beats on lease agreement you can use them without any limitations. We don’t restrict your usage. We don’t like how other producers do that and we decided not to limit how many times you can stream or release the beat.
How can I get hip hop beats?
You can get hip hop beats simply by adding our beats to the shopping basket below and go to the checkout. You can use paypal to make buy your rap instrumentals from us.
How can I get hip hop beats?
You can get hip hop beats simply by adding our beats to the shopping basket below and go to the checkout. You can use paypal to make buy your rap instrumentals from us.
Who has the best beats in rap?
We pride ourselves to have the best and most desirable rap beats in the industry. We put a lot of work to our production to make sure our hip hop beats are just the best. Not only we offer a pretty low price for our rap instrumentals, we don’t limit the usage of the beats so you don’t have to worry how many times you can use our boom bap beats but also delivered them to you professionally mixed and mastered! That makes our beats best in rap.
Do rappers pay for beats?
People often ask this question. You might think that rappers don’t pay for the beats? Well, rappers do pay for the beats. This is the way to appreciate the work and effort producers put into making the beat. Without the payment no one would want to give away their music.
What makes good hip hop beat?
Ok, so what makes a good hip hop beat? A good hip hop beat is the one that is very well composed, has a hook and unique feeling to it. It’s also important that the hip hop beat is professionally mixed and mastered.